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Chasing Innovation: Robotics Projects

Robot Sensoring Man
White Structure

Visual Inertial Odometry

Real-time vision-aided inertial navigation pipeline using a Multi-state constraint kalman Filter for localization.

White Structure


Stitching of Images to create Seamless Panorama for Autonomy.

Screenshot from 2023-11-07 22-14-30.png
White Structure


Face swapping between two images or two faces in a single image. It is similar to like using Snapchat face filters.

Screenshot from 2023-11-07 23-27-08.png
White Structure

Buildings built in Minutes- Structure from Motion and NeRF

3D Reconstruction using SFM to obtain 3D scene and camera poses.

Screenshot from 2023-11-07 22-10-39.png
White Structure

​Time optimal Trajectory planning in unknown environment.

Planning Trajectories in know and Unknown environment using JPS and time optimal Jerk controlled local Planner.

Screenshot from 2023-11-07 22-21-24.png
White Structure


Point-Painting is the method used to fuse the semantic segmentation results based on RBG images to raw Lidar point cloud.

Screenshot from 2023-11-07 23-28-18.png
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