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Robots with Guns

Academic Experience

My Studies

February 2022 - June 2022

Private flocking of Swarms in Presence of an adversary, WPI

• Created an CNN Architecture on pytorch as Discriminator for Adversary to identify leader based on Swarms
• Implemented Genetic Algorithm to optimize the control parameters of Swarms flocking.
• Retrieved data from Unreal Engine 4 Simulation using AirSim plugin and trained model with online update.
• Utilized adaptive learning rate, automatic mixed precision to achieve accuracy better than state of art PGAN

February 2022 - June 2022

Time optimal Trajectory planning in unknown environment, WPI

• Created a Local planner algorithm using Polyhedron(Safe zone) to plan in unknown and known spaces.
• Implemented Jump Point Search (JPS) as Global Planner and retrieved map data as occupancy grid.
• Achieved time optimal trajectories through Gurobi optimizer and Convex Decomposition for Turtlebot-3 on
Gazebo simulation.

October 2021 - December 2021

Grasping YCB objects using point cloud processing.(FRANKA), WPI

• Created a grasping technique using MoveIt! for Franka Emica Panda manipulator.
• Implemented RANSAC algorithm PCL library for object segmentation, detect major plane and remove it from the
• Executed the grasp using filtering the distance to segment Top-surface and MoveIt! to plan the path and grasp.

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